Girlscript ahmedabad community

Friday 3 February 2017


What is maker party?

read on to find out more......
maker party is one of initiative carried out by Mozilla under the moz-guj community and here all the experts of each field were invited to deliver their lecture to teach something useful to the students .
the main aim of this event was to teach the student about the usage of web and what is it how can be it done and how one can contribute to the open source world 
found it interesting you can learn more from the given link:- maker party gujarat
 let’s begin with our journey J

4th oct 2016

A casual call from one of my friends he asked me upon to join Mozilla maker part as a volunteer in the team. We were discussing the pros and cons of the event what would happen how were the results or the outputs of the event. I feel lucky enough that I agreed to his point and joined maker party as a volunteer I would never regret this decision ever in my life.

5th oct 2016

Me and 3 of my friends agreed upon the decision of joining Mozilla as a volunteer at maker party. Three of us who were in the technical and management department and one of them as a photographer with us. Later on, the day we filled the form and were waiting for the response from the coordinators of the event.

7th oct 2016

Two days later we were called up by viral sir and he asked us to meet him at his office at prescribed time. we reached the office few minutes earlier and were waiting for our interview session. It was more casual gathering rather than a formal meeting type. Later on, finally we decided to join the team as a part of logistic and guest handling team on the day of event and were also assigned to do a college campaign according to our schedule.

10th oct-14th oct 2017

We have mostly done our work almost completed 4-5 college campaigns at different colleges including alpha, git, Sal, silver oak, ldrp and so was fun as well as tiresome too as some of the college were not giving proper response as we were expecting. Fortunately, we completed the work and were happy with the progress.

17th oct 2017

A day before the grand event, all the volunteers team were called on the venue and a meeting was conducted to organize the event schedule properly and to allot the tasks to all the volunteers who were there in the event. On this day, we met MR. Nikhil Patel (a great salute to you sir). His skills of teaching and knowledge is just amazing and MR. Moin Shaikh (the mentor of mine for social media: -p) never to forget his designing skills were outstanding.
I still remember roaming in the gtu campus around 8:00 pm in the evening which was the scariest part as rumours were heard that it was a haunted building I suppose.  We made the maker party logo arranged it on the premises. stacked banners around the premise. Getting schedules to be printed and stacked around so that no one gets affected from that.
three new persons whom I forgot to mention are sumit, haard, mansi those were our mentors on the day of event as well as they were the coordinators too thanks for the support you provided us.
Our team was build according where me and of my friends were arranged together so that we could coordinate well with each other.

18th oct 2017 (the first day of event)

We reached the venue around 8:00 in the morning and nearly 1000 students were waiting for the event to start we were shocked by the response from the students. The day start of as usual. everything was arranged and going perfect until the crowd increased from 1000 to 30000. I appreciate to all the volunteer who helped us to manages so much of crowd on time. More students were coming and it was getting difficult for us to handle I still remember at a same time 5-6 sessions were going on from different speakers and were doing well. the day ended in peace.

19th oct 2017 (the last day of event)

As usual the day started off with increase in the number of students then the previous days were. Fortunately, our team was able to manage all the crowd and session were peacefully going on. and a final closing ceremony was done at the end of event.
Oops I forget to mention someone who is sir mehul Patel (sorry mehul Bhai :-p) the head of Mozilla Gujarat community without whom we couldn’t make the event happen as smoothly as it went through.

Ps: - I was awarded with the title of most tweeting person during the event for posting the most tweets about the event. You can find out my tweets on my twitter account that is: - twitter/aksahykoshti

Also a link to all the albums of the event:- maker party gujarat

And the impact of the maker party after the success of event was covered by various news paper that can be found here at :- news/makerpartyguj 

And a final congrats to the team members for the success and hats off to them
for their hard work